Miles Wallio was a computer science student at the Florida Institute of Technology. He earned his Master’s in May 2013. In May of 2011, he received his Bachelors’ in computer science and mathematical sciences.
He currently works at Microsoft, and the opinions and views expressed on this site have no relation to that of his employer’s.
You can stalk him on Twitter and Instagram, or just e-mail him.
Open Source Projects
- ThiefMD - Markdown and Fountain Editor for Linux. It’s written in Vala and inspired by Ulysses.
- Theme Generator - Generate Ulysses Themes and Gtk.SourceView Style Schemes. Written in Vala.
- WordPress, Ghost, and WriteFreely Client Libraries. Written in Vala.
- libwritegood - English Language Style Checker written in Vala. Based on btford/write-good.
- BookMark’d - Link Saver and Searcher written in PHP.